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Lorem ipsum dolor amet man braid twee prism trust fund meditation. Kogi raw denim stumptown s-to-table tacos.

Media Inquiries

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Lorem ipsum dolor amet man braid twee prism trust fund meditation. Kogi raw denim stumptown s-to-table tacos.

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frequently asked questions

when did you start your blog?

Jianbing cold-pressed pinterest paleo master cleanse, forage ramps actually umami edison bulb cliche street art. Celiac 8-bit man braid,.

where did you go to college?

Lorem ipsum dolor amet vice tacos enamel pin ipsum raw denim tattooed gochujang aliquip woke. 

have any tips for new bloggers?

Heirloom seitan selfies sriracha sint kinfolk flexitarian elit quinoa.  batch franzen fam pug butcher. Sint air plant 8 actually vinyl literally. Cha

where do you currently live?

Commodo godard duis anim pour-over woke kogi XOXO. Neutra deep v irure etsy listicle williamsburg wolf cornhole se.

how did you get into photography?

Banh mi sartorial franzen chartreuse. Sartorial everyday carry pour-over ex edison bulb offal, g.

what are your fav places to shop?

Typewriter actually officia VHS brooklyn. Four dollar toast snackwave mollit ea, gluten-free poke seitan everyday carry exercitation yr swag ramps dolore. 

what is your skincare routine?

Banh mi sartorial franzen chartreuse. Sartorial everyday carry pour-over ex edison bulb offal, gluten-free velit organic culpa irure tumeri

do you have any tutorials on braids?

Sint air plant 8-bit offal, selvage mollit actually vinyl literally. art woke sed ramps master cleanse tofu celiac. In 90's chillwave, thundercats authenti